Monday, December 17, 2012

Creativity in a Cone

Recently "Science" tried to tell us that creativity comes from spending time outdoors:

I'm not sure I buy all of that nonsense.  I happen to know that creativity comes from having a large downward pointing cone shaped head like my intern here:

If he didn't have all that hair you could probably see all the creative thoughts happening right on the surface of that large mind of his.


Starting up a business takes a lot of creativity too.  Before long I will be hanging my shingle and pushing my product out the door.  So I had my creative intern brainstorm a list of things to make a business successful.

You can read the list here:

-Spy on your competitors
-Spread rumors about the inferiority of the products that your competitors distribute
-Jump rope
-Watch football
-Identify your market
-Eat lots of electrolyte containing food (hopefully ham, cake, cookies)

Perhaps his most creative and productive idea so far is to identify a business EXACTLY like mine and copyeverythingtheydo.

So recently I kidnapped a couple of my interns and set out to do just that.

Before long he found the very business we need.  It's located here at the North Pole (which is incidentally located outdoors):

I knew the business was EXACTLY like mine because of the white walls.  And I knew it was successful because of all the packages in the 'out box.'  There's even room enough to jump rope in there.

There was a discrepancy that I should point out.  The factory workers don't have downward pointing cone shaped heads......hmmmm.....they must spend a lot of time outdoors climbing that pole.

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