Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eat wrong feel good.

I've never had a good nutrition plan.

But I do eat a lot. Sometimes I eat because I'm hungry, however, I also eat lots of things when I'm not hungry at all.

Oh, you're like that too huh?

I remember after my first Ironman tri my garmin said I burned something like 13,000 calories. I think I'm still working on replacing all those burnt calories.

In fact I just now finished off a plate of buffalo wings brought to me in between meals at work.

And then there's all of these things I've been snaaaaaacking on all day. Tomorrow there will be a whole new presentation of holiday snack food.

I guess I have learned over time that there are some foods that are more appropriate for an active lifestyle. If I want to feel good and strong for a long bike ride, It's best if I've had a balanced meal recently. I notice I eat lots of protein on days that I exercise heavily. Well, I guess I have lots of carbs those days too.

Someday maybe I'll start to measure out my food a little better, but for now, I seem to do fine by eating what I feel like, or what's in front of me.

I have noticed that electrolyte replacement has been important for me especially on long rides. I have cramped up a few times and have learned the hard way that I better replace lytes throughout my ride or I could be in trouble.

I think I eat like I ride. The more I eat/ride, the more I want to eat/ride. And on those days when I have lofty goals and ambition, I eat/ride until it hurts, then I suffer through some more eating/riding until I am really in pain and wonder why I ever even started eating/riding. So eventually I stop.

And twenty minutes later, I'm ready to eat/ride all over again.

Anyway, these are liquid electrolytes

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