Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brief Review with Rope and Eggs

If you've been talking to my readers, they'll tell you all about how I have a small electrolyte capsule lab with white walls and a wire rack.  That's about the part where they lost your attention, so you probably missed the part where I sometimes dress up in a somewhat sheer, but modest, and very tasteful bunny suit at work.  Its to protect me from the medicine/chemicals and to protect the medicine/chemicals from me.

And there's almost no chance that you heard the part about my boring, thoughtless, unimaginative and definitely unoriginal although effective Christmas season to do checklist.

So when you take the part you listened to and the two parts you didn't and encapsulate them into one package, that's pretty much all you need to know about me.

But tomorrow if you bump into any of my readers, you'll be burdened to learn that I also suffer from the burden of waking up a wee bit too early for my taste usually.  Today was one of those days.

Today I arose much too early as is often the case (as you know) and stumbled over myself for a few minutes before I found myself at the gymnasium where I was greeted with some of the people I often see there.....and I tried to get into 'wake up mode' which never really works out.  So I did my exercising and sweating and blah blah blah then I left.

None of this really matters except that I don't work today.  So a few hours later I accepted an invitation (by the foxy lady I've been seeing) to go right back to the same gymnasium.  This time I was recognized by a gym worker and accused of doing 'two-a-days.'

I didn't feel like I was at the gym again.  I felt like I was on a date (with the foxy lady I've been seeing).

As per the plans of the foxy lady, I went into the spin class room and sat through a spin class.  But not just a spin class but the first ever spin class I have been to in all my life.

So I went to a spin class date.  Somewhere in the spin class the spin class teacher made us do an exercise that caused me to bump elbows with the foxy lady.  So that was nice.

All that elbow bumping got me all excited and after the spin class date I showed off to the foxy lady I've been seeing by climbing up this rope.  I even did it a couple times until I was satisfied that she was sufficiently impressed with my bravado.

Somewhere in the between times at the gym I found myself at the capsule lab with white walls.  The capsule lab doubles as Santa's work shop.  I gotta couple projects going on there.

But I made it home for breakfast where the foxy lady and I sat around and ate breakfast food that was whipped up by this little elf.

So when you bump into some of my readers today and they try to tell you even more all about me, just say, "Look, I don't want to hear it."  Then turn and walk away to a safe place where you can get working on that Christmas to do checklist that I gave you.

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